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Little Molly's Bullfrog
  Little Molly's Bullfrog
He is what he is. Little Molly's Bullfrog is a larger-than-life bullfrog who doesn't make promises. He is a prince from the place where fairy tails don't need to come true for happiness to be found....More

Sophie (The Muse of Panic)
Sophie (The Muse of Panic)

No need to worry! She does it for you. Ridding her of your panic really makes it go away...More.

Sadie (Your Personal Dresser)
  Sadie (Your Personal Dresser)
She's on your side. Or is she? Pearls again? She dissuades you from those bad decisions. And keeps for herself the precious jewels and the angora: a pretty nice nest...More

Copyright 2001 Charleen Kinser Designs